pingendo page
pingendo page

Pingendoletsyoudraftandcreatingamazingwebpageseasilyandwithinfinitepossibilities.It'sbasedonBootstrapframeworkanditslayout:apowerful ...,PingendoPowerfulDrag&Dropbuilder.Pingendofeaturesasupersimpledraganddropinterface,witharichlibraryofprebuilte...


2017年12月20日—3.Pingendo如何使用呢?(1)直接打开软件,选择一个空白模板这里写图片描述.(2)在左侧菜单中选择需要 ...

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Learn and quickstart

Pingendo lets you draft and creating amazing web pages easily and with infinite possibilities. It's based on Bootstrap framework and its layout: a powerful ...

Pingedo Bootstrap 4 Builder @ Creative Tim

Pingendo Powerful Drag & Drop builder. Pingendo features a super simple drag and drop interface, with a rich library of prebuilt elements that lets you ...

Pingendo Bootstrap 4 builder

Design, build and deploy web pages in a flow. · Pingendo is a modern tool for designers, developers and web agencies. Intuitive as stacking blocks, powerful as a ...

Pingendo website builder

Professional website builder. for design and developing. Pingendo makes things easy to design and extendable by developers at the same time.


Contribute to Pingendo/pingendo-bootstrap development by creating an account on GitHub ... Pingendo / pingendo-bootstrap Public ... page - .breadcrumb - .tab - .


2017年12月20日 — 3.Pingendo如何使用呢? (1)直接打开软件,选择一个空白模板 这里写图片描述. (2)在左侧菜单中选择需要 ...

Pingendo免費全視覺化Bootstrap開發工具,設計RWD網頁 ...

2016年6月29日 — 先前曾分享過Pinegrow Web Editor這套視覺化的RWD開發工具,透過Pinegrow Web Editor不但可快速的設計出RWD的網頁外,同時支援的模組也相當的多,像是 ...


200+ blocks. Browse a list of pre-defined sections and simply drag what you need. Try different layouts with ease and quickly assemble whole pages.


2018年6月26日 — Pingendo免費全視覺化Bootstrap開發工具,設計RWD網頁更直覺.


Pingendoletsyoudraftandcreatingamazingwebpageseasilyandwithinfinitepossibilities.It'sbasedonBootstrapframeworkanditslayout:apowerful ...,PingendoPowerfulDrag&Dropbuilder.Pingendofeaturesasupersimpledraganddropinterface,witharichlibraryofprebuiltelementsthatletsyou ...,Design,buildanddeploywebpagesinaflow.·Pingendoisamoderntoolfordesigners,developersandwebagencies.Intuitiveasstackingblocks,...